Kerry Meath-Sinkin CFP® AIF®

Partner, Wealth Advisor

Helping you feel empowered, hopeful and confident about your financial future.


July 10, 2024
Kerry Meath-Sinkin

Tackling Long-Term Care Needs

As an advisor, I witness firsthand that long-term care planning is a topic people often shy away from. Despite being uncomfortable, addressing future healthcare needs is crucial, and establishing a plan while you’re in good health can benefit everyone in the long term.

How much care might you need? If you look at the numbers, on average, women will need 3.7 years of care, and men will need an average of 2.2 years.

Approximately half of people turning age 65 will require some type of paid long-term care in their lifetimes, according to Morningstar.

About 60% of us will need assistance with things like getting dressed, driving to appointments, or making meals, according to the Administration for Community Living (ACL), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Not all of these activities will require paid assistance.

Some of us may require home care, which would include those who need minimal assistance with health-related tasks. Others might benefit from adult daycare, which offers daytime supervision, including meals, recreational and therapeutic activities. It occurs in a community setting.

The ACL defines long-term care as “a range of services and supports you may need to meet your personal care needs. Most long-term care is not medical care, but rather assistance with the basic personal tasks of everyday life, sometimes called Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).”

The definition seems a bit on the dry side, so let’s take a more practical approach.

ADLs include:

  • Shopping for groceries or clothes
  • Managing money
  • Housework
  • Caring for pets
  • Bathing
  • Using the bathroom
  • Taking medication

6 steps to long-term care planning

Planning is critical, but many people are not sure what is covered by insurance, and others are often misinformed about what is covered by Medicare. Here are six steps to help you think—and begin planning for—your possible long-term care needs. We are including some additional considerations in our checklist here.

1. Gauge the likelihood of needing care.

2. Review potential costs.

3. Assess available resources.

4. Create a long-term care fund.

5. If insurance is the answer, investigate whether a stand-alone or hybrid policy makes sense.

6. If government-funded care is part of the solution, think through the ramifications.

Medicare and most health insurance plans, including Medicare Supplement Insurance (a Medigap policy), do not pay for long-term care.

What does Medicare cover?

  • Medicare covers up to 100 days of nursing home care. For many, that may not be enough.
  • Medicare can help with costs for skilled-home health or other skilled in-home services. What is skilled-home health? It is a wide range of health care services that can be provided in your home for an illness or injury. These might include monitoring a serious injury or illness, injections, patient and caregiver education and nutrition therapy. The goal is to help you recover, regain independence, become more self-sufficient, or slow any decline in health.
  • Generally speaking, long-term care services by Medicare are provided for a short period of time.

Medicare does not pay for non-skilled assistance with ADLs, which make up most long-term care services.

If needed, you will have to pay for long-term care services that are not covered by a public or private insurance program.

What about Medicaid?

Medicaid is available to those who meet strict income and asset guidelines. Unlike Medicare, which is health insurance, Medicaid is public assistance.

Medicaid will count wages, Social Security benefits, pension, veteran benefits, bank and investment accounts, trusts and annuities and your property.

In most states, Medicaid looks at your income over the last five years, according to the American Council on Aging. California reviews your data going back 30 months.

Assets that were transferred or gifted during that period may count against you. So, we would advise that you not try to transfer financial assets to qualify for Medicaid.

Medicaid eligibility occurs on a rolling basis. You could make just $1 over the monthly income limit and end up on the hook for the cost.

Developing Financial Strategies

How you should approach long-term care will depend on you, and your personal situation. Which option is best will depend on various factors, including age, health status, the likelihood of needing care and your financial situation. Please know that we are here and happy to discuss these options with you in more detail, as we believe it’s important to have a discussion and decide together on an approach that you feel good about.

  • Self-Funding – Some people use their own assets to pay for care. Be advised you may have tax consequences for drawing on an IRA, 401k or qualified plan. Discuss this with your tax advisor.
  • Reverse Mortgage – A reverse mortgage can be complicated, but it may offer you the cash needed to help with long-term care. Other borrowing options may be available, too, including a home equity loan.
  • Traditional Long-Term Care Insurance
    • The cost will vary depending on the benefits. Younger, healthy people who are at low risk of needing long-term care in the next 25 years may benefit from a long-term care policy. Costs will rise for those who are older or have health problems.
    • You may not qualify if your health is compromised, or you are already receiving end-of-life care services.
    • Typically, you become eligible for benefits when you can no longer perform two ADLs. Most policies have a waiting period before you receive benefits.
    • However, many insurance companies no longer offer traditional policies. Those that do may raise premiums annually, and the cost may be high.
  • Hybrid Life Insurance – This tends to be one of our preferred options, which we can explore with you in more detail. Hybrid life insurance offers unique features that may offer financial assistance. Hybrid policies combine life insurance with long-term care insurance. The policy may pay for long-term care or a death benefit if the policy isn’t used to pay for care.
  • Variable Annuity Long-Term Care Riders – An additional option is looking at additional riders that can be added to variable annuity contracts, allowing for additional leverage when long-term care needs arise.

Other avenues

  • Some states offer PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), which is a combined Medicare and Medicaid program. It may pay for some or all the long-term care needs of a person with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • SHIP, the State Health Insurance Assistance Program, is a national program offered in each state that provides one-on-one counseling and assistance with Medicaid and Medicare.

This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Investment Advisory services offered through Journey Strategic Wealth, an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The views expressed are for informational purposes only and do not take into account any individual’s personal, financial, or tax considerations. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and are not intended as investment advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please see Journey Strategic Wealth’s Form ADV Part 2A and Form CRS for additional information.



Partner, Wealth Advisor

Kerry is passionate about helping others cultivate meaningful, abundant, and impactful financial lives. Her approach in cultivating holistic abundance pulls from her experiences in both the corporate and wellness disciplines. In Kerry’s experience a person finds abundance when they have an effective financial game plan coupled with emotional clarity around money and their life.


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